


Colourful mood of naturality… Upholstery woven simple fabric is a popular choice for home decor. This fabric, woven with high-quality yarns, stands out for its toughness…


Art deco effects… The lustrous and opulent appearance of jacquard satin upholstery fabric. The motifs are stitched on the fabric using a specific weaving method, giving…

Mixed Velvet

Everything about velvet… Plain and textured velvets with a soft touch, perfect for adding a touch of luxury to any space.…


Strong touching… Experience the warmth of chenille, the artistry of jacquard. Textured upholstery fabrics with luxurious softness and enduring style.…


Upholstery soft fabric is a popular choice for home decor. Its smooth texture and plush structure provide your furniture a warm and pleasant appearance. It…


Feeling luxury… Upholstery soft fabric is a popular choice for home decor. Its smooth texture and plush structure provide your furniture a warm and pleasant appearance.…
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