


Colourful mood of naturality… Upholstery woven simple fabric is a popular choice for home decor. This fabric, woven with high-quality yarns, stands out for its toughness…

Da Vinci

Feeling of papirus… Experience timeless elegance with the Mona Lisa Da Vinci collection. Discover the feeling of papyrus in luxurious jacquard chenille satin and intricate patterns. Mona…


Surreal touch… Embrace bold design with the Dali collection. Exquisite brocade fabrics, intricate patterns, and a surreal touch for a statement-making interior. Mona Lisa…


Masculine classics… The Mona Lisa Diego collection brings a touch of masculine sophistication. Experience luxurious jacquard satin and textured fabrics for timeless style. Mona Lisa…


Effects of pointillism… Experience the visual depth of the Mona Lisa Goya collection. Brocade fabrics with intricate patterns inspired by the effects of pointillism. Mona Lisa…


Luxury looking to weaving… Where luxury meets modern design. Textured jacquard satin fabrics with intricate patterns and a soft, opulent feel.…


Traditionally , French style.. Discover the Le Mans Lyon collection, where diverse French influences meet. Explore luxurious jacquard velvet fabrics inspired by the warmth of the…


French style taste … Experience the refined taste of French style with the Le Mans Monaco collection. Luxurious jacquard velvet fabrics for the discerning eye. Le Mans…


Feeling of peinture… The Mona Lisa Monet collection evokes the essence of impressionism. Luxurious brocade fabrics with intricate patterns capture the feeling of peinture. Mona Lisa…


Touches of warm South… Experience the relaxed elegance of the Le Mans Nice collection. Luxurious jacquard velvet fabrics with a touch of warmth inspired by the…


Shiny French Inspiration… Embrace the shiny elegance of French inspiration with the Le Mans Paris collection. Luxurious jacquard velvet fabrics that shimmer and shine. Le Mans…


Joy of stylization… The Picasso collection embodies the joy of stylization. Playful patterns and intricate brocade fabrics add a touch of artistic whimsy to your space. Mona…
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