


Ancestral classics… Classic satin jacquard fabrics featuring intricate patterns and a luxurious, silky feel. Soprano…


Classicism by elegant joy… Experience Classicism by elegant joy with Soprano Beethoven. Discover luxurious classic satin jacquard fabrics featuring intricate patterns. Soprano…

Black & White

The aesthetics of contrasts… Black & White a timeless collection of Palazzo Fabric dominated by only black and white colors is a jacquard woven viscose velvet…


High tones of Classicism…   The Soprano - Chopin collection sings with the harmonious beauty of Classical design. Indulge in exquisite fabrics and intricate patterns that evoke…


Architectural tones… Upholstery woven simple fabric is a popular choice for home decor. This fabric, woven with high-quality yarns, stands out for its toughness and lifespan.…


Traditionally , French style.. Discover the Le Mans Lyon collection, where diverse French influences meet. Explore luxurious jacquard velvet fabrics inspired by the warmth of the…


French style taste … Experience the refined taste of French style with the Le Mans Monaco collection. Luxurious jacquard velvet fabrics for the discerning eye. Le Mans…


Classics, touching to soul… Luxurious classic satin jacquard fabrics with captivating patterns that evoke emotion. Soprano…


Harmony of colour & brillant… The soft and lovely feel of velvet upholstery fabric sets it apart. Cotton, silk, wool, or synthetic fibers are used to…


Touches of warm South… Experience the relaxed elegance of the Le Mans Nice collection. Luxurious jacquard velvet fabrics with a touch of warmth inspired by the…


Shiny French Inspiration… Embrace the shiny elegance of French inspiration with the Le Mans Paris collection. Luxurious jacquard velvet fabrics that shimmer and shine. Le Mans…


Joy of far past times… Experience the timeless beauty of classic satin jacquard and patterns with the Soprano Vivaldi fabric collection. Embrace the joy of far…
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